Humans have a natural desire to understand the cycle of life, death and rebirth . Christianity has its roots in the mystery of eternal life. This faith is a way of ‘understanding the unknowable’.
However, one has to be a believer to get into different levels of understanding, which is achieved through the power of faith. Christianity is a far more active participation and a personal relationship (with God) than other more “fatalistic” faiths. It’s God reaching out to us.


Tags: Easter, Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, faith, transformation, inspiration, forgiveness, reconciliation


Humans have a natural desire to understand the cycle of life, death and rebirth . Christianity has its roots in the mystery of eternal life. This faith is a way of  ‘understanding the unknowable’.
However, one has to be a believer to get into different levels of understanding, which is achieved through the power of faith.  Christianity is a far more active participation and a personal relationship (with God) than other more “fatalistic” faiths. It’s God reaching out to us.
Look into the heart of Easter and see
The observance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian religion. We asked leaders of the principal denominations to share their thoughts on Easter

Here are some Easter messages from New Zealand
From http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10635696&pnum=0


“’One person can make a difference!’ Easter yells through the silence of spectators to say, ‘Your being here makes a difference – no matter how small you feel.’ What can one person do? Quite a lot, actually
The world can be a better place because you’re in it. Look into the heart of Easter and see.’- The Rev Alan Upson, president, Methodist Church of New Zealand:


“His followers were so convinced that Jesus was still alive with some form of transformed life that they refused to renounce this belief, even in the face of beatings, imprisonment, and death itself. In the words of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, to be ‘charged’ with the grandeur of God.”
– The Most Rev Patrick Dunn, Catholic Bishop of Auckland:

“Jesus Christ there’s opportunity for anybody to be reconciled to relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We were created to be in this relationship. Estrangement from God lies at the root of all that makes life fractured and unmanageable.
Easter invites us to consider what happened 2000 years ago, and to experience the reconciliation offered in Jesus Christ.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself… The witnesses at the cross didn’t see it, but now this has been revealed. Easter invites us to believe in the goodness of God and God’s power to redeem.”
– Major Heather Rodwell, divisional commander, the Salvation Army:


“Jesus took upon himself the tremendous burden of the sins of the world. The result of this spiritual atonement is that forgiveness is available to those who repent of the things they do wrong and which separate them from God.”
– Elder Michael A. Roberts, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:


”No transformation can take place until we have that moment of ‘brutal honesty’.”
– The Rev Andrew Norton, moderator of the Auckland Presbytery

“Non-retaliation . Through the cross of Jesus, God was offering the forgiveness of sins and the reconciliation of God and humanity. And from this spiritual reality there came a human outworking. Those who experience forgiveness and reconciliation with God are then to make that real in their human relationships. Those who have been shown mercy must act in the same way. The message of Easter is about the unconditionally forgiving love of God and the hope of new beginnings for all.”
– The Very Rev Ross Bay, Bishop-elect of the Anglican diocese of Auckland:

“The Crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday and the celebration of new life that is available through the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday – or Resurrection Sunday – provides us with hope and confidence that as death and the grave could not hold Jesus, that in Him we, too, can be raised to an eternal future free from sin and grief.”
– Pastor Colin Hopkins, Auckland Baptist Churches:

Sourced from http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10635696&pnum=0

“The larger Easter message is that the world, left to human selfishness is chaotic and brutal”, writes Muslim academic Abdal Hakim Murad. “Christians think that God himself had to come into the world and transform it from within. Muslims and Jews deny that God can have a body. But we do think that the world needs redemption. When the spirit of God touches any human being, of whatever faith or gender, that person is a sign of heaven.”

A sense of ‘the Other, of something beyond ourselves, which many recognise as God, and Christians encounter through Jesus Christ, gives meaning and direction when all hope seems lost. The redemptive power of Christ is alive and well both inside and outside-organised religious frameworks.

Rev Stephen Donald, East Coast Anglican Parish, Tolaga Bay, New Zealand
Sourced from http://www.gisborneherald.co.nz/article/?id=16710

Shared by craig

http://en.search.wordpress.com/?q=%22craig+lock%22&t=post + www.craiglock.wordpress.com

May the light of God shine on the path up ahead


Here are some of my notes and thoughts (in point form) that I’ve collected over the years. Some are other authors viewpoints on the person that was/is Jesus and I’ll share with you. Enjoy…

Jesus came into history, so that we can meet him, know him… and so know ourselves.


Key Words (Tags): Jesus, Jesus Christ,  Christianity, faith

Here are some of my notes and thoughts (in point form) that I’ve collected over the years. Some are other authors viewpoints on the person that was/is Jesus and I’ll share with you. Enjoy…


Science and religion CAN be in alignment.

Science and logic (proof) takes us to one level; but then we have to depend on faith to take us further, deeper. But it’s up to us to weave into the “big picture”, trying to “make sense of the world”.

With Christianity you have to make a decision, a commitment to “buy into it, the story, the “fairy-tale” of Jesus”.

then “take me as I am”

(Book: “A Fine-Tuned Universe” by Alistair?? Gifford Lectures)
* *

Jesus’s purpose was to seek and serve the lost (even till death)

“The full flower that is the hope of ALL mankind may be found in the figure and life of Jesus.”

“I am the light of the world.”

Christmas is not about religion or even presents. It’s the birth of a baby born 2000 years ago. The quality of his life and teaching and the impact of Jesus Christ on the world has never been surpassed. He speaks into our society today: teachings like caring for our neighbour, honouring our parents, and doing what is right. We urgently need to teach these principles. It’s all about Jesus Christ.”
– Denis Shuker (as published in an extract from his letter to the Editor in the Herald on Sunday, Auckland, New Zealand and slightly amended by me)

The birth of Jesus is God’s radical intervention in the world’s affairs in order to bring about the transformation of all things.”
– Ross Bay, Vicar General of the Anglican Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand

“This single event has changed the course of history. The birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, remains as an enduring sign from God that who also chooses generosity over self-indulgence, engagement over remoteness and belief over despair.”
– Heather Rodwell, Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army, New Zealand

Christianity deals with the human condition.
It’s a moral compass for our lives: the values of reconciliation, justice and truth.

Incarnation of God, manifestation of the divine.

Jesus came into history, so that we can meet him, know him… and so know ourselves. Through Him we become transformed with a new spirit. He offers us a new life – making a “bigger picture” happen to our lives. Through Him God enters into our own place – inviting us to receive him. In Him the Lord became servant.

It’s not me doing it … but a Higher Power. I’m doing it through YOU. He moves my spirit.

God invaded human history (entered the world) through the human race as an unloved, unwanted baby (baby as “human flesh, the saviour of humanity”). In his life Jesus was tempted, just as we are.

Jesus was seen as a political threat by the Romans and a religious threat by the Jews. Today, just as two thousand years ago, the world needs someone to change things – to transform the world, a Saviour.

You are loved and created with a purpose
Every choice has a consequence.

As an expression of the nature of God.

Jesus came into history, so that we can meet him, know him… and so know ourselves.

He has (and has) the conquering spirit of a champion.

Shared by craig

‘The Real Jesus: The Jesus I Knew (and Know): “My Conversations with God”

These are some notes I have jotten down over the years; so sharing some thoughts of “the spiritual journey”, which may be included in a new “work”, “a labour of love”. Just “planting, sowing and watering, some seeds” (not my unkept garden, just like these ‘indecipherable’* notes). I hope they may be of interest… and perhaps even inspire you as they do me… daily. Enjoy.

Article Title: The Real Jesus: The Jesus I Knew (and Know)
“My Conversations with God”
Shared by: craig
Key words: Spiritual Growth, Spirituality, Faith, Inspiration, Jesus,  Jesus Christ, Christianity, Testimony, Words of inspiration, “Spiritual Thoughts”.
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)
Publishing Guidelines:

These are some notes I have jotten down over the years; so sharing some thoughts of “the spiritual journey”, which may be included in a new “work”, “a labour of love”. Just “planting, sowing and watering, some seeds” (not my unkept garden, just like these ‘indecipherable’* notes). I hope they may be of interest… and perhaps even inspire you as they do me… daily. Enjoy.

* big word, eh!

These thoughts (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

“We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”



These notes form part of a new manuscript, which I’m currently ‘working on’ (it’s not really “work” as it seems to be ‘writing itself’. I may name  it ‘The Real Jesus: The Jesus I Knew (and know)’

These are some brief thoughts (in point form) from thoughts and ideas that I’ve written down and collected over the years (some from authors and sources unknown), which may be of interest and get you “tinking” about these “airey-fairey matters”. If you want to replace the word ‘God’ mentioned so often with ‘Life’, that’s great! (YOU choose what the concept of God represents to you). Hope it’s not too “heavy heavy” for you and that these thoughts may be helpful, uplifting and perhaps even inspirational to you in your spiritual growth.



I don’t believe in labelling myself (and others) as a “goody goody overly serious” Christian…but this is what I believe…

“God is a mystery absolutely transcending human understanding.”

“MY religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
– Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

Paint the picture and gravitate towards your goal. Energy rises up to meet your desires (the universe).

What we SEE will come to BE
Dare to decide.
Making daring decisions.
Decide who and what you want to be and become.

Success in any endeavour of life is no accident.

We are a mosaic of gifts. Everyone has an inner beauty.

“Every moment we are influenced by the footprints of our past.”

“No physical or mental power can restrain the power of the human spirit.”
– President Barack Obama on the death of Lady Kennedy Shriver

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter is the One within you.

“The God of a second chance”.

You are the salt of the earth.”
“You are the light of the world.”

Jesus Christ was the ‘Author of Reconciliation’.

The first step to peace is EDUCATION.
Understanding leads to finding alternative solutions.
Peace starts WITHIN!

“Always love your country, but never trust your government.”
– Robert Novak

“Peacemakes who sow in peace, will reap a harvest of righteousness.”
– James 3:18

“Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we want; but when we are challenged to be what (all that) we can become.”
– Morris Adler

As I pray, I become!

“God has created me to do for him some definite purpose. He has committed some work to do, which He has not committed to another.”
– John Henry Newman

God gives extra-ordinary assignments to ordinary people.
God LIVES through people.

There is great opportunity for all of us: the  chance is there individually, nationally and even internationally to do something beautiful for God and for His Christ.
Often it is a new thing I want to do with you.

Russian Leo Tolstoi once wrote: “The vocation of every man and  woman is to serve other people.”
Perhaps it’s being a “star of hope” to others, who are going through very difficult times?


The redemptive power of LOVE:
“Power without love is reckless and abusive. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice.”

“When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice.”
– Dr Martin Luther King, Jnr

*       *

The spirit that made the world, the Divine Spark is already in you; but it has to be activated.

God comes to us more through the realm of wisdom than through knowledge. We need to create a new age of wisdom and experience in the “literature of humanity”. A darkness that we will brightly illuminate with our hearts.

And let the family of God on earth reflect the holy family in heaven of the sacred trinity of life, even the threefold flame. Let there be rejoicing let there be celebration.

Tap into the power of God (“The Essence of Existence, The Fountain of All Goodness”), which transforms you.

Jesus Christ was the conduit, whereby the love of God was loosed to human history; so transforming humanity with a new awareness, a new consciousness.

Jesus is a living presence.

The God I see in Jesus of Nazareth is revealed in the personhood of everyone… because everyone has the capacity, the potential to manifest God’s ultimate nature.

YOU can enhance the personhood of every person who touches your life.

And let the family of God on earth reflect the holy family in heaven of the sacred trinity of life, even the threefold flame. Let there be rejoicing let there be celebration.

Jesus is the human face of God. Jesus makes God real to me and within me through my experience of and with Him!.

Jesus, the voice of hope (or “oasis of hope”), turns the ordinary into the extra-ordinary.

“It’s the culmination of one ‘man’s’ ‘individual’  purpose for being on this planet; but far more importantly, a joyous celebration of life. A distinctive, unique vision offering the promise of hope, light and especially love to anyone… a candle that burns brightly in the frequent darkness of life. In short, a glorious destiny that rises above the limitless horizons of the human condition.”

craig (2nd Sept 2009

I choose to believe that Jesus died for us; but we can choose to LIVE for Him.
YOU represent Jesus TODAY


“Whether you’re a candle in a corner, or a beacon on a hill, let your light shine.”

Give me dreams to broaden my horizons and help me reach out to all you have in store for me. Reveal yourself to me… today!”

“Go to the end of your life with pride behind you, love around you and hope ahead of you.”
– Dr Robert H. Schuller 

Rekindle the goals You have given me. Ignite my heart, the ‘flame of the soul’. Broaden my horizons for all the rich promises you have in store for me.Reveal yourself to me… TODAY”

About the Submitter:

In his life mission Craig hopes to encourage, motivate and inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials and live their very best lives (without being too much of a too boring Mr goody-goody two shoes” (as he’s lost one!). Craig believes in the great potential of every human being in the journey of life and loves to encourage people to share their individual (and guiding) spirits, so that they become all that they are CAPABLE of being.

“The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within you…and the often seemingly difficult or even “impassible”) path ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies within you.”

“Success to others may be apparent in what you DO; but significance, meaning and purpose lies, then reveals itself in what you ARE and BECOME down the ‘river of life’ – how and the spirit with which you face, then overcome the daily obstacles, the frequent trials and tribulations along the often rocky path-way of life’s magical and mysterious journey. Light your path by shine your own bright light of hope and love to the world ” – craig

“Let the light of your BEING shine brightly; so revealing Who You Really Are. Be a Bringer of the Light, which emanates from our soul, God, our Creator, the Source, the Essence of Life (and Ground of our very Being). Therefore, it can do more than illuminate your own path.YOUR spirit will help makes the lives of others easier by illuminating others paths. For this light is our humanity, the spirit of God, truth, wisdom, beauty and especially love…and it lies within each one of us. Through your actions and your being, let your light, YOUR spirit truly shine brightly on the world, like the radiance emitted by a candle at midnight.” – craig (as adapted from Neale Donald Walsh in ‘Conversations with God Book 3’).

God bless you all

shared by “not so goody goody airey-fairey” craig (“incorrigible encourager and people-builder”)


“Together, let’s plant the seeds, the hope of a better future.”

“God, the Essence of Life, is the great mystery in the vast unknown; yet He is understandable.”

“God, the ‘Fountain of all Goodness’, is beyond the realm of our own understanding.”

“God is a Creative Presence, the great mystery, the Ultimate Source of Life, the Fountain of all Goodness, Who/That allows me to be who I really want to be and become.”


The ‘reporter’ “did this interview with Jesus” yesterday and he doesn’t know whether he’s really crazy sharing this personal “interview” publically on the net (perhaps I’ll be locked away by funny little men in white coats), but am just doing it… “impulsively” (as always).

“Be bold and unseen forces come to one’s aid.”



Key words (Tags): Jesus, Jesus Christ, teachings, “inspiration”, faith, new book, ‘The Real, The True Jesus’

Submitter’s Note:

The ‘reporter’ “did this interview with Jesus” yesterday and he doesn’t know whether he’s really crazy sharing this personal “interview” publically on the net (perhaps I’ll be locked away by funny little men in white coats), but am just doing it… “impulsively” (as always).

“Be bold and unseen forces come to one’s aid.”

Craig  is currently writing a new manuscript titled ‘The Real, The True Jesus: The One I Know and Love’

“Lucky” 13th Feb 2010

Jesus, why is the world such a mess and how can the world be made a better place?

It always has been, but these are particularly uncertain days in history. Still the current state of the world saddens me greatly.. especially the great divisions between nations. If people could just follow my teachings of 2000 years ago the world would be transformed. These teachings are practical solutions to the problems of the world … and they are as valid in my time on earth… today and always.

What can be done to bring unity between people, particularly between east and west, as there are so many religions (apparently conflicting), cultures and religious traditions?

A spirit of love is the well-spring of hope and brings people together… and this brings peace. Put God, the Father first, love your neighbour as yourself… and everything else, GOOD flows from that.

Is there one God and are YOU God, Jesus? There are many manifestations of God and I am but one manifestation. I have always had a very special relationship with my Father; but so can YOU, if you so choose.
I call myself “Son of Man”, in fact, more than “Son of God”, but everyone is a “child of God, the Father”. I just have and always will have a very special, intimate relationship with God, my Father.
There will be other messengers bringing God’s message after me, as our Father  works through special people on earth (those who have a special sense of ‘mission and destiny’ and are available and totally committed to me). Then they are my hands and voice, a channel for my spirit to flow through.
What about Allah?

As I said, there is only ONE Infinite Spirit, One God. It’s just another term for the Creator of the Universe, which stems from different cultures, another tradition.

So are you saying all rivers lead to the ocean?

No, not all oceans are the same. Because each person’s path is different and you’ll have different experiences of God along the journey, depending on what you believe. And everyone’s experience of Heaven, the Kingdom of God will then be different… because of their unique journey.

So are you the only way to God?

I am quite horrified by the way the church has applied much of what I taught over the past 2000 years. I used (and use) parables to get my message across very simply, but so much of what I said is taken literally.
I said no-one comes to the Father, except through ME. Other religions don’t offer a personal relationship with God, the Ultimate Source, and don’t utilise the concept of God as “a Father figure”. So only those who follow me will have a “Christ-consciousness” (and this is different to an “Allah consciousness” of the same ONE God).

I hope, I trust that my spirit comes alive through my words… giving hope eternally…and the only way I could do that was to die as I did!

God bless you all.”


13th Feb in the year 2010

“If I can throw a single ray of light across the darkened pathway of another;
if I can aid some soul to clearer sight of life and duty, and thus bless my brother;
if I can wipe from any human cheek a tear,
I shall not have lived my life in vain while here.
If I can guide some erring one to truth, inspire within his heart a sense of duty;
if I can plant within my soul of rosy youth a sense of right, a love of truth and beauty;
if I can teach one man that God and heaven are near,
I shall not then have lived in vain while here.
If from my mind I banish doubt and fear, and keep my life attuned to love and kindness;
if I can scatter light and hope and cheer, and help remove the curse of mental blindness;
if I can make more joy, more hope, less pain,
I shall not have lived and loved in vain.
If by life’s roadside I can plant a tree, beneath whose shade some wearied head may rest,
though I may never share its beauty, I shall yet be truly blest –
though no one knows my name, nor drops a flower upon my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here.”
– Anonymous
Today, don’t just try to make a living… try to make a difference

“If a man is called to be a street-sweeper,
he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted,
or Beethoven composed music,
or Shakespeare wrote poetry.
He should sweep streets so well,
that all the hosts of heaven will pause to say,
here lived a great street sweeper
who did his job well.
– Martin Luther King, Jr